Sequences And Series

Reflection 11 would go here

Geometric and arithmetic sequences

Source: Made them up.


This artifact demonstrates the usage of both geometric and arithmetic sequences.

The first example is geometric, and the second is arithmetic.


  1. Find the first 3 terms and the 50th term of the sequence \(\{a_k\}\) in which \(a_k = k^2-k\).
\[a_1 = 1^2 - 1 = 0\]\[a_2 = 2^2 - 2 = 2\]\[a_3 = 3^2 - 3 = 6\]\[a_50 = 50^2 - 50 = 2450\]
  1. Find the first 3 terms and the 100th term of the sequence \(\{a_k\}\) in which \(a_k = k + 4\).
\[a_1 = 1 + 4 = 5\]\[a_2 = 2 + 4 = 6\]\[a_3 = 3 + 4 = 7\]\[a_100 = 100 +4 = 104\]

Defining sequences explicitly and recursively

Source: Group Quiz 9.4 & 9.5

Group Work:

Matthew and I disagreed on whether to start the index numbers at 0 or 1 for the explicit functions.

He thought we should start at 1, and I thought we should start at 0 because it was easier.

He was right, but we worked together to compromise.

We had one of them start at 0, and the other start at 1.


This artifact demonstrates defining sequences explicitly and recursively.

The recursive formula works by multiplying the previous number in the series by 3, starting with -2.

The explicit formula works by using indices (n) starting at 1.

The exponent on the formula is n-1. Since the first index is 1, the -3 will be nulled because anything to the 0 power is 1.

The explicit formula is a bit nicer for humans because you don’t have to calculate the values recursively.


Find the explicit and recursive formulas that model -2, 6, -18, 54, -162...


\[\begin{split}A_1 = -2\\A_n = A_{n-1} * 3\end{split}\]


\[A_n = -2(-3)^{n-1}\]

Summations notation

Source: Notes June 06, 2012


This artifact demonstrates summations notation.

The slope of the explicit function is 7 because that is the rate of change in the series that is suggested by the data.

I plugged in (1, 2) because 2 is the first item in the series (1 is the first index value).

I set it equal to the last term of the series to solve for the last index number, because that goes ontop of the sigma.

I used the gaussian method to find the sum of the finite arithmetic series.


Express the [2, 9, 16, 23, ..., 107] in summation notation.

\[y = mx + b\]\[y = 7x + b\]\[2 = 7(1) + b\]\[b = -5\]\[y = 7x -5\]\[107 = 7x - 5\]\[x = 16\]\[({(2 + 107) \over 2}) * 16 = 872\]\[\displaystyle\sum_{x=1}^{16} {7x-5} = 872\]

Summing finite arithmetic and geometric sequences

Source: Section 9.5 Example 2 and Group Quiz 9.4 & 9.5

Group Work:

The second example in this artifact comes our most recent group quiz.

I remember that we were very systematic and efficient in this quiz.

I calculated the first value in the series while he calculated the last one.

We were like Batman and Robin.

Matthew was Robin.


This artifact demonstrates summing finite arithmetic and geometric sequences.

I used the formula \(a_1(1 - r^n) \over 1 -r\) to find the sum of this geometric series.

I was given \(a_1 \text{ and } a_n\). I just needed to find the \(r\) value by using basic algebra.

I found the average of the first and last values in the series and then multiplied that by the number of values in the sequence to get the sum.


  1. Find the sum of the geometric series \(4, -{4 \over 3}, {4 \over 9}, -{4 \over 27}, ... , 4(-{1 \over 3})^{10}\)
\[A_1 = 4\]\[4r = -{4 \over 3}\]\[r = -{1 \over 3}\]\[A_n = 4(-{1 \over 3})^{10}\]\[n = 11\]\[{4(1 + {1 \over 3}^{11}) \over 1 + {1 \over 3}} \approx 3.000016935\]
  1. Find the sum of the arithmetic series \(\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{4} {-6 + k}\).
\[A_1 = -6 + 1 = -5\]\[A_4 = -6 + 4 = -2\]\[({(-5 +(-2)) \over 2}) * 4 = -14\]

Summing infinite geometric sequences

Source: Notes


This artifact demonstrates summing infinite geometric sequences.

To find the sum, I used the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series (\(A_1 \over 1 - r\)).

This formula only works for geometric series that converge (eventually reaches a limit, usually 0).


Find the sum of the infinite geometric sequence [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1...]:

\[\text{sum } = {32 \over 1 - {1 \over 2}} = 64\]\[\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} {32({1 \over 2})^{k-1}} = 64\]